Viewing the World Being Closest to You 2023-12-03 13:45:00



This is an amazing land.

Mount Taishan stands firm here, and Dawen River flows ceaselessly here.The mountain and river give birth to the ancient city of Tai'an.

万世敬仰一座山,古往今来一座城。A mountain admired through the ages, a city existing since ancient times.

2011年,在这片热土上,一个年轻的媒体——《泰山晚报》在金山路上诞生;In 2011, on this land, a young media -"Taishan Evening News" was born on Jinshan Road;

作为泰安本地生活类都市报,As Tai'an urban newspaper focusing on local life,

我们记录城市,传播文化,关注梦想,期待美好。We document the city, spread the culture, pay attention to the dream of citizens, and hope for the good.

我们不是医生,却时刻传递“生”的希望与力量;Though we are not doctors, but always convey the hope and strength of"living";

我们不是工人,却见证一条条道路变畅通、一座座高楼拔地起;Though we are not workers, but we have witnessed construction of roads and buildings.

我们不是警察,却在一个个突发事件的现场;Though we are not police, but often appear at the scene of an emergency;

我们不是教师,我不是司机,我不是消防员,我不是环卫工……Though we're not teachers, drivers, firemen or sanitation workers,

我们不是他们,但我们和他们一样,在困境时相互守望,在文明路上播撒阳光,在深夜点燃灯光,在凌晨的街上等待黎明……but like them, we see each other through hard times, sow the seeds of civilization, bring light in late night, wait for dawn in the streets in early morning...

曾经的我只有一纸单薄的身躯,如今有了更多你喜欢的样子。Once I was merely a thin paper, now I contains more contents to your interest.

从一张纸到一张网,给你更多的陪伴和关心。十二年风雨兼程,不忘初心,“纵览天下离你最近”还是我最初立下的誓言。(奖项)From a piece of paper to a web, I can give you more company and care now. After Twelve years of delvelopment,I haven’t forgotten the original aspiration."Viewing the World Being Closest to You" is the oath I cherish in heart.




"Running Taian people's own newspaper", I have always kept this promise.

Meeting each other is a start for the better.

We will always be with you!

